
Showing posts from 2017

Introduction to Selenium

Hi Friends................ :) Today we are going to look a famous testing tool Selenium.  Selenium is a popular open-source web based automation tool. It is used fir automating web-based applications. It consists of, 1. Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 2. Selenium Remote Control (RC) 3. WebDriver 4. Selenium Grid Advantages Selenium is a suite of tools that helps in automating only web applications. You should have a basic understanding of Java or any other object-oriented programming language for using Selenium.It has capabilities to operate across different browsers and operating systems. Selenium IDE -a Firefox plugin that lets testers to record their actions as they follow the workflow that they need to test. Selenium RC-was the flagship testing framework that allowed more than simple browser actions and linear execution. It makes use of the full power of programming languages such as Java, C#, PHP, Python, Ruby and PERL to create more complex tests

Algorithm Simulation Application

Hi Friends...... :) Today I'm going to share my 2nd year 1st semester project with you, an algorithm simulation Application. As we all know simulator is a substitution of something, which will do the same functionalities with less performance or with less features but won't omit the important functionalities. This algorithm simulator will handle 2 algorithms, Selection sort and Bubble sort. So let's start the game.  Algorithm Simulator is an application created for the users who are new to algorithm and sorting. When it comes to algorithm there are so many algorithms such as insertion, selection, bubble, heap, quick sort etc. In this application, selection sort and bubble sort have been demonstrated with the aid of animation, dry run and pseudo code. The user will get a basic yet clear idea of selection sort and bubble sort. 1. Selection Sort Selection sorting is conceptually the simplest sorting algorithm. This algorithm first finds the smallest element in the

JUnit Basic Testing

Hi everyone !!! Today let's take a look at the very popular testing tool, JUnit. As the name suggests JUnit is a unit testing tool for Java. Without further a do let's jump into JUnit testing. Step 01 : Create a simple Java code in Eclipse. I have created a simple add and subtract method         inside Calculator class. This Calculator class lays inside Calculator package. Fig 1: Step 01 Step 02: Next create a JUnit test case by right clicking and selecting the JUnit test case under new option. Inside the test case implement method to assert (check) the expected outcome and the actual outcome of the methods which were implemented inside Calculator class. Fig 2: Step 02-a In CalculatorTest class I have created an object of Calculator class(the class which has the methods I'm going to test). Next I have implemented 2 methods to test the addNumbers and subtractNumbers methods in Calculator class. To make this as testing methods I have used @Test annotatio

RMI - Weather station

Hi friends !!!! :) Today I like to share one of my projects with you..... It's basically a weather station  where weather readings are gathered and updated using RMI technology, Java Remote Method Invocation. The Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) system allows an object running in one Java virtual machine to invoke methods on an object running in another Java virtual machine. RMI provides for remote communication between programs written in the Java programming language. Fig 1: RMI method invocation Since we have the theory background of RMI I thought of sharing my project in which I have implemented a very basic client-server program using RMI to pass information from server to the monitoring station. As we all know in a weather forecasting station we have to gather the weather readings and send them in a periodic manner to all the stations connected to the server. Through this we can invoke methods running in one Java virtual machine through an object running in anothe

Object Oriented Principles

Hi friends!!!!☺ Today we'll be looking into a different yet interesting area in Software Engineering. Yes, today we are going to look at the "Object Oriented Principles".We also call this as S.O.L.I.D, the first 5 principles of object oriented design principles.This was introduced by Michael Feathers. Object Oriented Principles help the programmers to build quality system which can be maintained and extended easily over time. S.O.L.I.D  stands for ,               1. S ingle Responsibility               2. O pen Close Principle               3. L iskov Substitution               4. I nterface Segregation               5. D ependency Inversion Let's take a look at each of these principles in detail. 1. Single Responsibility A unit (class/function/module/API) should have one and only reason to change or only one responsibility. If there are more than one reason to change the unit must be separated into atomic units which will have one and only responsibili

Software Testing

      Today i will be sharing some basics of software testing. As we all know software testing is a very vast area, which has so many categories and technical details in it. This post is going to be an introduction for such critical topic, that is "Software Testing". Before jumping into software testing let's take a look at "Software Development Life  Cycle (SDLC)". SDLC is simply nothing but a process that describes the steps involved in planning, designing, implementing, testing and maintaining a software product. According to Rayleigh curve testing phase requires the maximum effort. Despite of the type of an application testing should be done in an appropriate way. No matter how good the code is but if testing is not done properly then the effort,time and money invested into the project will be of no use. To get some basic understanding about software testing let's take a look at the "Testing Levels" in this post. There are mainly 4 l

Attendance Management System

       In my 2nd year 1st semester i was given a chance to explore my OOP concepts(encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism) by doing a group project comprises of 4 members. This project was all about developing a standalone application using Java and MySQL. We selected the topic "Attendance Management System" and set the scope as school environment. The main functions of our project were: 1.Recording staff and student details. 2.Recording and maintaining attendance of both staff and students. 3.Filtering attendance record based on required criteria. 4.Maintaining user accounts. 5.Generating Reports. As my part i did functions 2, 4 and 5( generating reports were mandatory for all the group members).I developed the login page which allows the user to login to the system by providing one's user name, password and user type. We had 2 users, academic staff and administrator.  All the staff members are allowed to view all the students' att